The use of contraceptives for control of stray dog population and spread of rabies virus in Nigeria

Animal Research International(2020)

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Contraceptives are widely used in medical practice for birth control but dearth of information exists on the veterinary use for control of stray dog population in Nigeria. A closed-ended questionnaire survey of 309 dog owners and 333 dogs presented for veterinary care across three states of Nigeria was conducted; to assess the owners’ awareness on use of contraceptives in dogs, vaccination history and demographics of the dogs. Only 23.6 % of the dog owners have good knowledge of contraceptives, although 42.7 % of them were educated up to tertiary level. Of the 333 dog, 47.8 % and 44.1 % were kept as security dogs and pets respectively. Most dog keepers (56.3 %) were not aware that contraceptives can be used in dogs, while 31.0 % of those who are aware have not used any contraception method on their dogs. Reasons adduced for non-use of contraceptives were: unawareness that contraceptives are available for veterinary use (60.4 %), opposition to birth control methods due to religious or cultural belief (15.9 %) and lack of access to the veterinary service providers (4.2 %). Only 76.9 % of the dogs were validly vaccinated against rabies. Statistical association existed between educational levels and awareness/use of contraceptives in dogs. The findings underscore the need for public enlightenment and legislation on use of contraceptives in dogs kept for non-breeding purposes; as contraception is cardinal in control of proliferation of stray dogs, known to be major reservoirs of rabies virus in Nigeria. Keywords: Anti-rabies vaccination, Contraceptives, Dog owners, Rabies virus, Stray dog population, Nigeria
rabies virus,contraceptives,stray dog population,nigeria
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