
Distinct Burst Properties Contribute to the Functional Diversity of Thalamic Nuclei

Journal of comparative neurology(2021)

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Thalamic neurons fire spikes in two modes, burst and tonic. The function of burst firing is unclear, but the evidence suggests that bursts are more effective at activating cortical cells, and that postinhibition rebound bursting contributes to thalamocortical oscillations during sleep. Bursts are considered stereotyped signals; however, there is limited evidence regarding how burst properties compare across thalamic nuclei of different functional or anatomical organization. Here, we used whole-cell patch clamp recordings and compartmental modeling to investigate the properties of bursts in six sensory thalamic nuclei, to study the mechanisms that can lead to different burst properties, and to assess the implications of different burst properties for thalamocortical transmission and oscillatory functions. We found that bursts in higher-order cells on average had higher number of spikes and longer latency to the first spike. Additionally, burst features in first-order neurons were determined by sensory modality. Shifting the voltage-dependence and density of the T-channel conductance in a compartmental model replicates the burst properties from the intracellular recordings, pointing to molecular mechanisms that can generate burst diversity. Furthermore, the model predicts that bursts with higher number of spikes will drastically reduce the effectiveness of thalamocortical transmission. In addition, the latency to burst limited the rebound oscillatory frequency in modeled cells. These results demonstrate that burst properties vary according to the thalamocortical hierarchy and with sensory modality. The findings imply that, while in burst mode, thalamocortical transmission and firing frequency will be determined by the number of spikes and latency to burst.
burst,first order,higher order,oscillation,sensory,thalamocortical,thalamus
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