
Morphological Speculation of the MHPD and Related Clinical Projections

Surgical and radiologic anatomy(2021)

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Objective The concept of mesopancreas has been brought into focus nowadays. Studies on membrane morphology of pancreas are clinically significant in determining an ideal surgical route for a “holy plane”. In this paper, we aimed to observe the structure of the peripancreatic membranes and its interactions with adjacent tissues; tentatively put forward the proposition of mesohepatopancreaticoduodenum (MHPD) and explore in depth in surgical local resection. Methods 33 cadavers were examined in the experiment, including 30 for gross anatomy and 3 for histological observation after transection. The histological characteristics of the membrane covering the pancreas were proved by Masson and Bielschowsky silver staining and further explored in clinical application and testified in a surgical scenario. All above were carried out through traditional procedures. Results The anterior surface membrane of the pancreas was intact and the posterior portion expanding to the pancreaticoduodenum enclosed the surface of the duodenum and the pancreatic head, which could be easily isolated from the posterior abdominal wall. The posterior surface membrane around the body and tail wrapped the pancreatic parenchyma, which created a soft-tissue window for the posterior abdominal wall. Then, dense connective tissue adhesions were detected between the celiac artery and the superior mesenteric artery. Conclusions The embryonic origin of the mesopancreas and the surgical procedures were reviewed and inspected based on the proposition of MHPD and above results. We hope that this study could stir up our interest in the advancement of imaging diagnoses and minimally invasive surgical treatment of pancreas.
Pancreas,Peritoneum,Pancreatic cancer,Mesopancreas,Membrane anatomy
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