Toward Remote Assessment of Physical Frailty Using Sensor-based Sit-to-stand Test.

˜The œJournal of surgical research/Journal of surgical research(2021)

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Background: Traditional physical frailty (PF) screening tools are resource intensive and unsuitable for remote assessment. In this study, we used five times sit-to-stand test (5xSTS) with wearable sensors to determine PF and three key frailty phenotypes (slowness, weakness, and exhaustion) objectively. Materials and methods: Older adults (n = 102, age: 76.54 +/- 7.72 y, 72% women) performed 5xSTS while wearing sensors attached to the trunk and bilateral thigh and shank. Duration of 5xSTS was recorded using a stopwatch. Seventeen sensor-derived variables were analyzed to determine the ability of 5xSTS to distinguish PF, slowness, weakness, and exhaustion. Binary logistic regression was used, and its area under curve was calculated. Results: A strong correlation was observed between sensor-based and manually-recorded 5xSTS durations (r = 0.93, P < 0.0001). Sensor-derived variables indicators of slowness (5xSTS duration, hip angular velocity range, and knee angular velocity range), weakness (hip power range and knee power range), and exhaustion (coefficient of variation (CV) of hip angular velocity range, CV of vertical velocity range, and CV of vertical power range) were different between the robust group and prefrail/frail group (P < 0.05) with medium to large effect sizes (Cohen's d = 0.50-1.09). The results suggested that sensor-derived variables enable identifying PF, slowness, weakness, and exhaustion with an area under curve of 0.861, 0.865, 0.720, and 0.723, respectively. Conclusions: Our study suggests that sensor-based 5xSTS can provide digital biomarkers of PF, slowness, weakness, and exhaustion. The simplicity, ease of administration in front of a camera, and safety of 5xSTS may facilitate a remote assessment of PF, slowness, weakness, and exhaustion via telemedicine. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Physical frailty,Wearable,Sit-to-stand test,Remote patient monitoring,Digital health,Digital biomarker
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