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A Mini-Incision Carpal Tunnel Release Technique to Prevent Pillar Pain: A Technical Note

Julio Moran-Moran,Jose Ramon Merida-Velasco, Emilio Bartolome del Valle,Jorge Murillo-Gonzale

Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica Turcica/Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica(2021)

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Pillar pain represents one of the most common complications of classic open carpal tunnel release (CTR). This complication causes a sense of discomfort worse than the compression syndrome itself. We, herein, introduce a new treatment method for CTR through a mini-incision, which allows subcutaneously cutting the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) and releasing the median nerve without neurovascular complications. This mini-incision approach can allow the direct visualization and preservation of the thenar motor branch in those rare cases where it has an aberrant origin. For the past 10 years, we have consecutively performed this technique in the surgical treatment of 318 patients with the diagnosis of primary CTS, without developing any neurovascular and tendon injuries as well as pillar pain.
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Carpal tunnel syndrome,Carpal tunnel release,Mini-incision approach,Pillar pain
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