
Genome-wide Shifts in Climate-Related Variation Underpin Responses to Selective Breeding in a Widespread Conifer

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(2021)

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Locally adapted temperate tree populations exhibit genetic trade-offs among climate-related traits that can be exacerbated by selective breeding and are challenging to manage under climate change. To informclimatically adaptive forestmanagement, we investigated the genetic architecture and impacts of selective breeding on four climate-related traits in 105 natural and 20 selectively bred lodge-pole pine populations from western Canada. Growth, cold injury, growth initiation, and growth cessation phenotypes were tested for associations with 18,600 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in natural populations to identify "positive effect alleles" (PEAs). The effects of artificial selection for faster growth on the frequency of PEAs associated with each trait were quantified in breeding populations from different climates. Substantial shifts in PEA proportions and frequencies were observed across many loci after two generations of selective breeding for height, and responses of phenology-associated PEAs differed strongly among climatic regions. Extensive genetic overlap was evident among traits. Alleles most strongly associated with greater height were often associated with greater cold injury and delayed phenology, although it is unclear whether potential trade-offs arose directly from pleiotropy or indirectly via genetic linkage. Modest variation in multilocus PEA frequencies among populations was associated with large phenotypic differences and strong climatic gradients, providing support for assisted gene flow polices. Relationships among genotypes, phenotypes, and climate in natural populations were maintained or strengthened by selective breeding. However, future adaptive phenotypes and assisted gene flow may be compromised if selective breeding further increases the PEA frequencies of SNPs involved in adaptive trade-offs among climate-related traits.
climatic adaptation,selective breeding,lodgepole pine,positive effect alleles,polygenic traits
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