
375 the Test-Retest Reliability of Bilateral and Unilateral Force Plate Derived Parameters of the Countermovement Push Up (CMPU) in Elite GB Boxers

Poster presentations(2021)

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Background Upper limb muscular power output is a fundamental aspect across a number of explosive short duration sports such as boxing. Regular consistent production of high muscular power is a highly desirable characteristic and essential pre-requisite. Despite this importance, there is at present no gold standard test for upper limb force development performance, knowledge of normative performances is important for proper evaluation of risk factors for injury, return to play and programming. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the test-retest reliability of force plate derived measures of countermovement push-up (CMPU) in Elite Boxers. Design Test-Retest reliability approach. Setting World Class Programme and Podium Potential Athletes within training environment. Patients (or Participants) 18 Elite Great British (GB) Boxers participated within this study. Main outcome measurements Kinetic data collected included peak force (PF), mean force (MF), flight time (FT), rate of force development (RFD), Impulse and Vertical Stiffness. Results No significant differences between the two trial occasions for any of the derived performance measures. Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) indicated moderate to high reliability (ICC=0.68–0.98) and low co-efficient of variation (CV=3–10%), mean force demonstrated the greatest reliability (CV=3%). Conclusions Reliable and purposeful methods of assessment are integral to understanding individual’s performance potential but to also monitor training programme affects, long-term development and talent identification. Results highlight upper limb power output in elite level GB boxers can be reliably assessed by practitioners using force-plate and force-time derived parameters, and that unilateral data can be reliably extrapolated from the bilateral condition. When using CMPU to monitor training programme affects, no difference between limbs should be noted. This will be useful if completed prior to any injury, as if any deficits or subsequent injury occurs, CMPU can be used to better appraise and guide injury rehabilitation until the athlete returns to improved performance levels.
upper limb power,Forcedecks,boxing
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