
Microbial Analyses of Blood Spot Surfaces Collected from a Laboratory and the Bathroom of a Female Single-Person Household under Different Environmental Conditions

FEMS microbiology letters(2021)

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Many people spend most of their time indoors, thereby exposing themselves to indoor environmental microbial communities that might interact with the human microbiota. These potential interactions have only been considered for personal identification; however, accumulating evidence indicates that these microbial interactions are potentially implicated with the identification of human interactions and location-specific factors including time and seasonal variations in the microbial community. To augment the potential of metagenomics-based forensic tools, we compared the composition of microbial communities in blood spot surfaces from healthy adults placed in different environments, such as in the bathroom of a female single-person household and on a laboratory, which were sampled across seasons and time points. The laboratory samples showed more changes in the bacterial community over time owing to the higher number of individuals using the laboratory, whereas the microbial communities in the bathroom samples remained relatively stable over time. Moreover, the two locations could be distinguished according to their specific bacterial community compositions. Variations were also observed related to changes in temperature and humidity, allowing for prediction of season-based microbial community. These findings offer a new perspective regarding the use of microbial community analysis in forensic science.
bacterial community,blood spot,microbiota,forensic science
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