Analyzing the correlation of vitamin D and cognitive function in community elders over 60 years old: Prevention (nonpharmacological) / Other

Alzheimers & Dementia(2020)

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Background Dementia is a syndrome which describes a decline about cognition severe enough to affect daily living ability. The treatment for dementia is limited; Looking for factors related to cognitive dysfunction, controlling or reducing these factors will help delay the disease. Method We collected 190 community elders over 60 years old, used Montreal cognitive assessment (MOCA) to evaluated cognition, and divided into normal cognitive function group and abnormal cognitive function group. And the same time blood samples were collected to measure vitamin D. Compared the vitamin D between the two groups, P<0.05 was significant difference .Pearson's index was used to further compare the vitamin D and a single cognitive domain, P<0.05 was significant statistically. Result The incidence of cognition impairment was 77.9%, Comparing to normal cognitive function group and cognitive impairment group, the Vitamin D was significant differences(P<0.05).Further Pearson correlation analysis found that multiple cognitive domains such as executive, calculation, abstraction, visual space, naming, and attention were Positively correlated with vitamin D(P<0.05). Conclusion Cognitive function is closely related to vitamin D, especially executive, orientation, calculation, abstraction, visual space, naming, and attention, adequate vitamin D may delay cognitive decline.
Vitamin D
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