PND22 Discover Study, First Analysis Specific for Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Burden and Cost in Spain: Interim Analysis Results

C. Oreja-Guevara, J. Rio Izquierdo,J. R. Ara Callizo,M. A. Hernandez-Perez,J. Gracia Gil,B. Pilo de la Fuente,L. Ramio-Torrenta,A. M. Alonso Torres,S. Eichau,S. Martinez Yelamos,B. Casanova Estruch,F. Gascon Gimenez,M. L. Aguado Valcarcel,M. L. Martinez Gines,C. Lopez de Silanes,Y. El Berdei Montero,A. M. Lopez Real,J. E. Martinez Rodriguez,V Gonzalez Quintanilla,A. Labiano Fontcuberta, L. Costa-Frossard Franca, M. Garces Redondo, J. A. Garcia Merino, F. Castellanos Pinedo, V Meca-Lallana, C. Munoz Fernandez, T. Castillo Trivino, A. Rodriguez, J. Pena Martinez, J. M. Prieto Gonzalez, D. M. Solar Sanchez, E. Aguera Morales, M. Molina, N. Herrera Varo, M. Aguirre Vazquez, J. Meca-Lallana

Value in health(2020)

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Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) is a form of multiple sclerosis (MS) associated with an important economic burden. Given the limited published data, the main objective of the DISCOVER study was to estimate the economic impact of SPMS in Spain. DISCOVER is an observational, non-interventional, cross-sectional, retrospective and multicentre study. Patients ≥18 years with SPMS treated and monitored under routine clinical practice in 34 Spanish public hospitals were included. Total sample of 299 patients. All data collected in one single visit. Primary endpoint is total annual cost per patient, including direct healthcare, direct non-healthcare costs and indirect costs. First data from interim results are presented. 99 evaluable patients: 62.6% females; mean (SD) age of 53.1 (9.3) years; mean (SD) EDSS at the study visit of 5.9 (0.8). Mean (SD) time since first diagnosis of MS was 17.5 (8.9) years, and since progression to SPMS, 5.2 (4.3) years. Visits to specialists (% patients) in the previous year included: neurologist (100.0%), primary care (65.7%), neurology nursing (60.6%) and psychologist (26.3%). Regarding supportive care, 10 (10.1%) and 49 (49.5%) patients assisted to a day care centre and rehabilitation, with a mean (SD) of 11.0 (37.9) and 54.1 (73.7) visits in the previous year, respectively. Total mean (SD) annual cost of SPMS per patient was 24,724€ (14,344), comprising mean (SD) direct healthcare costs of 11,846€ (9,417), mean (SD) direct non-healthcare costs of 5,965€ (9,528) and mean (SD) indirect costs of 6,914€ (4,459). Direct healthcare costs were higher for females, non-active workers due to early retirement, inability or unemployment, patients with EDSS score at visit ≥6 and patients with SPMS diagnosis ≥ 10 years. An economic burden of 24,724€ per patient/year was attributable to SPMS in Spain from the societal perspective, with direct healthcare costs representing 48% of the total costs.
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