
Analysis of Needed Forest in Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) Based on Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Journal of physics Conference series(2018)

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Increasing number of staffs and academicians as a result of UNNES's popularity becoming a favourite university in Indonesia has demanded more facilities to support the learning process, student activities and campus operations. This condition has declined forest covered area in the campus, even though. Optimum extent must be prevented to support ecological function in campus areas. This research is conducted to determine the optimum areas of needed campus's forest based on CO2 emissions in the UNNES area in Sekaran sub-district. The results showed that forest need for campus of UNNES in 2017 is 14.25 ha, but the existing area is only 13.103 ha. Campus forest in western campus area is sufficient to absorb CO2 emissions with forest availability is about 8,147 ha while forest requirement is about 4.47 ha. Campus forest in eastern campus area is not sufficient to absorb CO2 emissions. The need of campus forest in eastern campus area is much bigger that is 9,78 ha from campus forest which available is about 4,956 ha. The results of this study can be used as a reference in the development of green space both on campus and in the city of UNNES Semarang.
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