
A Preliminary Study of the Impacts of Shelter Forest on Soil Erosion in Cultivated Land: Evidence from Integrated 137cs and 210pbex Measurements

Soil & tillage research(2021)

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The Three-North Shelter Forest Program (TNSFP) has played an important role in increasing the forest coverage and decreasing the wind erosion rate. Fallout radionuclides (FRNs), such as caesium-137 (Cs-137) and excess lead 210 ((210)Pbex), have extensively been used as fast and economical tools to estimate erosion rates over a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. However, the Cs-137 and (210)Pbex conversion models used to estimate annual soil erosion rates under steady state conditions have not been used to predict corresponding rates following reforestation due to the land-use changes that have occurred since 1963 in China. This study investigated the influence of shelter forest on soil erosion of cultivated land (CL) by using Cs-137 and (210)Pbex in northern China. Opposing trends in the spatial variation were found between the Cs-137 and (210)Pbex inventories, which were due to their differing sources and mass balances within the soil profile. Exploiting this finding, we propose a conceptual Cs-137 and (210)Pbex variation model to detect depth variations between before and after reforestation. Wind erosion rate was 29.11 +/- 14.42 Mg ha(1) yr(-1) in the CL when estimated with Cs-137. However, estimation by the revised (210)Pbex mass balance model showed that wind erosion rates were 68.55 +/- 22.11 and-8.52 +/- 47.32 Mg ha(1) yr(-1) before and after the surrounding forest matured, respectively. The spatial variation in the Cs-137 inventories mainly reflects the soil erosion patterns before the surrounding shelter forest matured, while the spatial variation in the (210)Pbex inventories mainly reflects the soil erosion patterns after the surrounding shelter forest matured. Furthermore, the soil erosion rates that were deduced from the (210)Pbex conversion model confirmed that the TNSFP played an important role in decreasing the soil erosion rates and intercepting sandstorms in northern China. Thus, the advantages and limitations associated with the use of FRNs for assessing wind erosion in the study area were also proposed. More attention should also be paid to the limitation of estimating soil erosion rates by using FRNs measurements in the TNSFP region of China.
Three-North Shelter Forest,Cs-137,Pb-210(ex),Conversion model,Spatial patterns,Soil erosion rate
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