
Potassium Influencing Physiological Parameters, Photosynthesis and Sugarcane Yield in Subtropical India


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Potassium plays an important role in the metabolism of plants, growth, development and yields. Worldwide, KCl is commonly used as source of K fertilizer in agricultural crops. The present experiment was taken up to assess the response of various sources of K on physiological attributes, yield and quality parameters of sugarcane. Treatments were no K application, potassium ammonium sulphate (H 4 KNO 4 S-9:0:30:20, NPKS ratio), slow release K fertilizer (0:0:45:0), sulphate of potash/potassium sulphate (K 2 SO 4 -0:0:50:17.5), muriate of potash (KCl-0:0:50:0) and muriate of potash (KCl) + elemental S @ 40 kg ha −1 . Application of K 2 SO 4 recorded 15.8% improvement in tiller population (during peak tillering stage) and 22.2% improvement in dry matter accumulation (at the harvest stage) over the KCl. About 12.33–24.16% increments in crop growth rate and the highest net photosynthetic rate (19.91 µmol m −2 s −1 ) were also recorded with application of K 2 SO 4 . Application of K fertilizers improved the availability of potassium in soil by 8.17% (254.2 kg ha −1 ). Potassium uptake in sugarcane crop ranged from 245 to 347 kg ha −1 . The highest individual cane length (311 cm) was measured with application of K 2 SO 4 . Application of K 2 SO 4 brings forth about 23.8% increments in millable canes, 14% in cane weight and 33.8% in cane yield over no K. Application of K also increased mean sucrose content in juice by 0.58 unit (17.0 pol per cent juice) over no use of K. Overall effect of K application on increasing sugarcane yield and sucrose content simultaneously brought forth improvement in commercial cane sugar (CCS) by 29.43% (10.50 t/ha) over no use of K. However, application of K 2 SO 4 also improved CCS by 25.89% (11.67 t/ha) over the application of KCl.
Crop growth rate, Dry matter accumulation, Leaf area, Net assimilation rate, Net photosynthetic rate, Relative growth rate
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