Pesticide management by subsistence farmers in Mexico: baseline of a pilot study to design an intervention program
Pesticides optimize agricultural and livestock activity but their improper management damages health and the environment. The objective of this study was to carry out a baseline study of future intervention and reference locations to implement an intervention program. Two intervention locations and a third reference location were selected. Subsistence farmers and their relatives were surveyed on socio-demographic characteristics, pesticide management, clothing used in agricultural work, use of PPE, and perception about damage to their health and the environment. Simple frequencies were estimated and differences in proportions or means were compared, as well as associated factors. The inadequate arrangement of packaging represents an environmental problem because most empty containers are dispersed in the field. PPE are insufficient and are not used due to discomfort and lack of money. Health damage from pesticide use, low education level and training in pesticide management were associated with not using PPE, while having used pesticides <= 20 years was associated with a lower possibility of not using PPE. The most frequent symptoms of intoxication reported were headache, burning eyes, dizziness, skin irritation and weakness. Subsistence farmers reported that pesticides contaminate soil and water, causing damage to the environment. It is necessary to implement programs aimed at training in pesticide management.
pesticide exposure,pesticide poisoning,pilot study,Mexico,subsistence farmers
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