Penetration Testing and Security Assessment of Healthcare Records on Hospital Websites.

Journal of medical imaging and health informatics(2020)

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At present, computer security is the flourishing field in the IT industry. Nowadays, the usage of computers and the Internet grows drastically, and hence, computers become vehicles for the attackers to spread viruses and worms, to distribute spam and spyware, and to perform denial-of-service attacks, etc. The IT engineers (even users) should know about network security threats, and at the same time, to some extent, they should know techniques to overcome the issues. The reliability and privacy of healthcare records of the patients are the most critical issue in the healthcare business industry sector. The security safeguards, such as physical, technical, and administrative safeguards, are crucial in protecting the information in all aspects. This article deals with the forty popular hospital portals in India related to the professional and network security related issues such as operating system guesses, number of open/closed/filtered ports, the name of the Web server, etc. The Nmap (network mapper) tool is used to analyze the results belong to the security perspective.
Electronic Healthcare Records,Hospital Portals,Network Security,Nmap Tool,Port Scanning,Security Issues
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