
Variation in Hematological, Biochemical Parameters and Physiological Adaptation of Cockerel Strains to Transportation Density in a Hot Tropical Environment

Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine(2020)

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One hundred and eight 8 weeks old Harco (black) and Nera (white) cockerel strains were randomly allotted in 2 x 3 factorial design experiment to investigate the response of cockerel strains transported at different densities in hot humid ecological zone of Nigeria. Birds were transported in two ventilated wooden cages with a motorbike on a rough road at 30 km/hr for 2 hours at three densities [Low density (LD) = 0.86 m2, Medium density (MD) = 0.64 m2, and High density (HD) = 0.48 m2] and each replicated three times. Blood samples were collected pre and post transportation. Physiological indices {respiratory rate (RR), panting rate (PR), skin temperature (ST) and rectal temperature (RT)} were measured post-transportation. There was (p<0.05) difference in strain x density interaction on blood parameters except in red blood cell (RBC) and packed cell volume (PCV). The RBC, Heamoglobin (Hb), and PCV values reduced slightly with transportation density for both strains {LD > MD > HD}. Total white blood cell (WBC), alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartarte amino transferase (AST), total protein (TP), and glucose had (p<0.05) strain x density interaction. Variance analysis revealed (p<0.05) effect of strain, density, and strain-density interaction on physiological indices post transportation. Values increased with density in this order {HD > MD > LD}. Harco strain had higher values as compared to white strain birds. In conclusion, this study showed that transportation and density affected both strains of birds. White strain birds are relatively resistance to transportation stress as compared to Harco strain.
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