Effect of Boric Acid on the Photostabilization of Ascorbic Acid in Creams Containing Different Humectants and Emulsifiers


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In the present work the effect of boric acid (BA) on the stabilization of ascorbic acid (AH(2)) in cream formulations has been studied. The oil-in-water creams of AH(2) (pH 6.0) were prepared and exposed to ultraviolet radiation and also kept in dark at 25 +/- 1 degrees C. The apparent first-order rate constants for the degradation of AH(2) (0.42-1.20 x 10(-3) min(-1) in light, 0.68-1.53 x 10(-2) day(-1) in dark) were determined spectrophotometrically. The second-order rate constants for the interaction of AH(2) and BA (2.61-6.02 x 10(-3) M-1 min(-1) in light, 3.75-5.78 x 10(-2) M-1 day(-1) in dark) indicate inhibitory effect of the stabilizer on AH(2). The rate of degradation of AH(2) in the dark is around 100-150 times slower compared to that of light showing a difference in the mechanism of degradation. The stabilization of AH(2) is affected by humectants, emulsifiers and physical properties of creams.
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Key words
ascorbic acid,boric acid,creams,kinetics,photostabilization
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