
Viktor Anatol'evich Matveev (on His 70th Birthday)

A. F. Andreev,G. V. Domogatsky, V. G. Kadyshevsky, N. V. Krasnikov,V. A. Kuz'min,A. A. Logunov,G. A. Mesyats, Yu Ts Oganessian,V. A. Rubakov,O. G. Ryazhskaya, A. N. Skrinsky,D. V. Shirkov


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physicist, science organizer, public figure, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Secretary-Academician of the Physical Sciences Division of the RAS, Chairman of the Troitsk Scientific Center of the RAS, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research (Moscow) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, reached his 70th birthday on December 11, 2011. The results of V A Matveev's research have been important contributions to the development of methods of quantum field theory, to progress in the relativistic quark models of hadrons, to the study of the dynamics of processes at high energies and large transversemomenta, to the creation of the quark theory of nuclei and the exploration of the manifestations of quark degrees of freedom of atomic nuclei, to the examination of the structure of vacuum in gauge theories and the effects caused by this structure, to the study of new physical phenomena in collider experiments, and to a number of other fields of modern theoretical physics. V A Matveev was born in Taiga, a small township of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1959, he enrolled in the Physics Department of Far Eastern State University, and in 1961 continued his education at Leningrad State University (LGU). In 1964, he graduated from V A Fock's Chair of Theoretical Physics at the Physics Department of LGU; he also successfully passed Landau's `Theoretical minimum' exam at the Theory Department of the A F Ioffe Leningrad Physical Technical Institute in 1963. Viktor Anatol'evich is a brilliant representative of the scientific school of N N Bogoliubov, under whose guidance he began his career in research at the Theoretical Physics Laboratory of the JINR in Dubna in 1965, where he developed his creative potential andmade his first discoveries. Here, V A Matveev, together with B V Struminskii and A N Tavkhelidze, obtained results which played a key role in the maturation of the quark theory of hadrons: they developed the quark theory of electromagnetic and weak decays of mesons and baryons, explained the electromagnetic mass splittings in isotopic hadron multiplets, suggested an interpretation of the higher-order hadron resonances as excitations of quark systems, and derived the corresponding mass formulas. During his work in Dubna, V A Matveev made an important contribution to the progress of the relativistic approach to describing bound systems of particles in quantum field theory and to creating quantum-field methods of describing the high-energy scattering of particles. In 1967, V A Matveev submitted and defended his PhD thesis, ``Dispersion sum rules and symmetry properties of elementary particles''. His advisors wereNNBogoliubov and A N Tavkhelidze. In 1973, he submitted and defended the Habilitation thesis, ``Quasipotential theory of scattering in quantum field theory''. One of the most important avenues of research conducted by V A Matveev is the search for dynamical symmetries in high-energy physics and the uncovering, using these symmetries as a basis, of general features which manifest themselves in particle interactions. VAMatveev advanced the concept of hidden color of nuclei and pointed to the key importance played by quark degrees of freedom for understanding the nucleus structure at short distances. The widely known Matveev±Muradyan±Tavkhelidze quark counting rules which express the general features of elastic scattering of hadrons at high energies were derived in the framework of concepts of scale invariance and the model of quasiindependent colored quarks; these rules were officially certified in the State Register of Discoveries. In 1978, V A Matveev was appointed deputy director of the RAS Institute for Nuclear Research (INR), and the Director of RAS INR in 1987. The principal fields of research at INR were significantly expanded during his Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 182 (1) 119 ± 120 (2012) DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0182.201201j.0119 Translated by V I Kisin PERSONALIA PACS number: 01.60.+q
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