
Toxic Effects of the Magnesium Nitrate on Liver of the Embryos from Species Gallus Domesticus


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Fertilized chicken eggs (from hybrid ROSS 308), procured from Agricola Bacau - Romania, have undergone incubation, after previously being mechanically cleaned, disinfected with UV rays, numbered, weighed and measured. 3 lots were made from these eggs of which one witness (LM) and two experimental (EG1 and EG2). All these groups were homogeneous in terms of weight, having 59.47 to 62.371 g.The eggs of the two experimental groups were injected 0.1 mL solution of magnesium nitrate. The concentration of the solution was 0.016% for the first experimental group and 0.61% for the second group.In both experimental groups, the injection of the solutions was made after 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after of the incubation process.At the end of the incubation period were studied both embryos and the chicken resulted. They were weighed, measured, evaluated in terms of necropsy, and some of them were killed and dissected to extract some of their body organs, such as heart, liver, stomach, intestinal mass.Histological samples were extracted from the liver and 20 trichromic stained blades (HEA) were prepared by, the paraffin sectioning technique.These blades were studied in MO (Leica DM-750) and the following results were obtained: the weight of the chickens hatched from the eggs of LM group was 43.321 +/- 1.305 g, representing 70.765 +/- 1.39% of the weight of respective eggs.For EG1A and EG1B groups, the hatched chickens weighed 36.953 +/- 3.481g and 36.233 +/- 1.267g respectively these values being reduced by 14.7% and 16.36% as compared to that of chickens from the LM group.For all other experimental groups, the embryos were stopped in different stages of growth HH, with low and very low weights (0.093, 0.0323g, etc.). At the level of liver tissue were found severe dystrophic processes for the chickens and the embryos of the experimental groups (steatosis, hepatocytes with the destroyed membrane, pyknosis of the hepatocyte nuclei, intracytoplasmic protein coagulation, etc.)
magnesium nitrate,embryos,liver tissue
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