A case of Babesia vulpes infection in a dog in Russia.

Veterinary parasitology, regional studies and reports(2020)

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A six-year old pit bull terrier, female, was presented to a veterinary clinic in Mocsow, Russia. The leading clinical signs were a decrease in the physical activity of the dog with weight loss despite normal appetite. The dog had never traveled to other regions, but there was a history of a fight with a dog from Serbia about two years before. A severe anemia and azotemia were revealed during the examination. The merozoites of small Babesia were detected in a blood smear, which were identified as Babesia vulpes by PCR. The treatment with imidocarb dipropionate and atovaquone in combination with azithromycin was started, but one week later the dog was euthanized because of a serious health condition and poor prognosis. Contact transmission due to bites might have been the cause of infection in this case.
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