
Non-local Thermodynamical Equilibrium Abundance Analysis of Singly Ionized Praseodymium for the Sun

Abdelrazek M. K. Shaltout, Ali G. A. Abdelkawy, M. M. Beheary

Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2020)

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ABSTRACT Determinations of the solar abundance of praseodymium (Pr) depend critically on the local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE) and non-local thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) techniques beyond the capabilities of a classical one-dimensional model atmosphere. Here, in this analysis, we adopt an atomic model atom of Pr consisting of 105 energy levels and 14 bound–bound transitions of singly ionized praseodymium (Pr ii) and the ground state of the Pr iii continuum limit. We briefly analyse the solar abundance of Pr taking the solar model atmospheres of Holweger & Müller (1974, Solar Physics, 39, 19) with the measured equivalent linewidths and invoking a microturbulent velocity treatment. We succeed in accurately selecting nearby clear sections of the spectrum for 14 spectral lines of Pr ii with the improved atomic data of high-quality oscillator strengths available from the laboratory measurements of several possible sources as well as accurate damping constants successfully determined from the literature. We find a Pr abundance revised to be downwards log ϵPr(NLTE) = 0.75 ± 0.09, which is in good agreement with the meteoritic value (log ϵPr = 0.76 ± 0.03). A comparison of the NLTE abundance corrections with the standard LTE analysis, log ϵPr(LTE) = 0.74 ± 0.08, reveals a positive correction of +0.01 dex, estimated from the selected solar Pr ii lines. The Pr abundance value is clearly superior following the classical one-dimensional model atmospheres of Holweger & Müller, the absolute scales of gf-values, the microturbulent velocity and the adopted equivalent linewidths.
atomic data,line: formation,line: profiles,Sun: abundances,Sun: atmosphere,Sun: photosphere
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