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Long-term impact of 11 years' typical agricultural discharges on agricultural non-point source pollution loss and its environmental threat to a coastal city of yellow sea, qingdao, east china

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin(2020)SCI 4区

Qingdao Agr Univ | Xinjiang Acad Agr Sci

Cited 0|Views44
Long-term fertilization and livestock farm wastes discharges aggravate water eutrophication via agricultural non-point source pollution (ANSP) process. The ANSP loss load is hard to quantify due to the complexity and randomness, especially in coastal cities. This study quantified the ANSP loads response to the 11 year-long fertilization and livestock sewage discharges in a typical coastal city of the Yellow Sea, Qingdao, East China. The agricultural non-point loss load coefficient K was introduced to evaluate the environmental threat (ET) of the ANSP. The results showed that the loss loads of nitrogen and phosphorus respectively were 10-80 kg/ha and 1-20 kg/ha after 11 years' fertilization. The ANSP loss loads induced by livestock sewage discharges of BOD5, COD, total phosphorus and total nitrogen were 2-35 kg/ha, 3-35 kg/ha, 1-15 kg/ha and 2-18 kg/ha, respectively. The long-term fertilization and livestock sewage discharges respectively induced the K values of ANSP to exceed 80 in six and five of 9 districts in Qingdao, indicating serious ET. The ANSP potentially had more serious agri-environmental threat to the main agricultural producing areas along the Dagu River Basin of the Jiaozhou Bay. The results provide basic information for the ANSP of the Jiaozhou Bay and the methods used in this study should be applied in similar agricultural and coastal cities.
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Key words
Agricultural non-point source pollution,Fertilization,Livestock and poultry sewage,Environmental threat assessment
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实验】:在青岛进行了11年的施肥和畜牧废水排放实验,使用的数据集为该地区长期的施肥和畜牧废水排放数据,得出氮和磷的损失负荷分别为10-80 kg/ha和1-20 kg/ha,以及畜牧废水排放的BOD5、COD、总磷和总氮的损失负荷分别为2-35 kg/ha、3-35 kg/ha、1-15 kg/ha和2-18 kg/ha,确定ANSP对环境造成严重威胁。