Nano-neurotherapeutics (NNTs): An Emergent and Multifaceted Tool for CNS Disorders


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Impressive research steps have been taken for the treatment of neurological disorders in the last few decades. Still, effective treatments of brain related disorders are very less due to problems associated with crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB), non-specific therapies, and delay in functional recovery of the central nervous system (CNS) after treatment. Striving for novel treatment options for neurological disorders, nanotechnology-derived materials, and devices have gained ground due to inherent features of derivatization/encapsulation with drugs as per the neurological ailments and pharmacological targets. Facile developments/syntheses of the nanomaterials-drug conjugates have also been the driving force for researchers to get into this field. Moreover, the tunable size and hydro/lipophilicity of these nanomaterials are the added advantages that make these materials more acceptable for CNS disorders. These nano-neurotherapeutics (NNTs) systems provide the platform for diagnosis, theranostics, treatments, restoration of CNS disorders, and encourage the translation of NNTs from "bench to bedside". Still, these techniques are in the primary stages of medical development. This review describes the latest advancements and future scenarios of developmental and clinical aspects of polymeric NNTs. tration targeting specific cells/tissue to restore the lost functioning due to traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Most of these treatment methods are either at developmental stages or not very efficient to regenerate the neuronal tissues to a functional level. Thus, very few clinical therapies are available to treat neuronal disorders and enhance the functional recovery of CNS [3]. Three main problems associated with CNS damage restoration are: 1) lack of new neurons available after damage, 2) difficulty of
Nanoparticles,BBB,neuronal disorders,imaging,theranostics,drug delivery,cancer
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