
Bottom-up: A SGX-based Blockchain Trusted Startup and Verification Scheme

SenSys '20: The 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems Virtual Event Japan November, 2020(2020)

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The rapid development of blockchain technology has aroused people's attention to its security issues. The immutability and non-repudiation of the blockchain ensure the security of upper-level data and networks, but the existing mechanisms of the blockchain have always been difficult to guarantee its underlying Security. This paper proposes a method for verifying the trusted launch of a blockchain, which is used for trusted verification before the launch of a blockchain network. This method mainly uses a solution that combines trusted computing and blockchain networks in cloud scenarios to solve the integrity and security issues at the start of the blockchain to prevent potential problems. The architecture of this article is composed of a blockchain network, SGX Application and cloud database. We build a trust chain based on key services and files when the blockchain is started, and use integrity verification to transfer trust. Hashing is performed with the support of SGX to ensure the security of the verification process. Under the condition that the performance at the time of loss is about 50% to 62%, the underlying security is fully guaranteed.
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