Light-guided Nudging and Data-Driven Performance Feedback Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance among Nurses and Doctors

American journal of infection control(2021)

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Background: Evidence-based practices to increase hand hygiene compliance (HHC) among health care workers are warranted. We aimed to investigate the effect of a multimodal strategy on HHC. Methods: During this 14-month prospective, observational study, an automated monitoring system was implemented in a 29-bed surgical ward. Hand hygiene opportunities and alcohol-based hand rubbing events were measured in patient and working rooms (medication, utility, storerooms, toilets). We compared baseline HHC of health care workers across periods with light-guided nudging from sensors on dispensers and data-driven performance feedback (multimodal strategy) using the Student's t test. Results: The doctors (n = 10) significantly increased their HHC in patient rooms (16% vs 42%, P< .0001) and working rooms (24% vs 78%, P= .0006) when using the multimodal strategy. The nurses (n = 26) also increased their HHC significantly from baseline in both patient rooms (27% vs 43%, P = .0005) and working rooms (39% vs 64%, P< .0001). The nurses (n = 9), who subsequently received individual performance feedback, further increased HHC, compared with the period when they received group performance feedback (patient rooms: 43% vs 55%, P< .0001 and working rooms: 64% vs 80%, P< .0001). Conclusions: HHC of doctors and nurses can be significantly improved with light-guided nudging and data driven performance feedback using an automated hand hygiene system. (c) 2020 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Electronic monitoring,Surveillance,Health care-acquired,Infection prevention,Adherence
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