
Understanding the Land Use and Water Systems of the Mekong River

Michael J. Kuchta, Christopher Pufko, Charles Rowe, Scott Stoessel,Jacob Walsh,Venkataraman Lakshmi

2020 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS)(2020)

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The Mekong River region’s long-term social and economic sustainability is being threatened by the growing development of hydropower and its impacts on the river, surrounding populations, and vital industries. In this study we have analyzed these unintended impacts through data analysis in hopes of quantifying trends associated with the rapid hydropower development. It is important to consider the human and social dimensions of hydropower in the area as the dams’ effects trickle down to the natives of the Mekong Region, the river itself, and all other life dependent on it. We conducted our research by utilizing data sets and surveys released by certain organizations such as the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the WB (World Bank), and CGIAR (Consultative Group for Agricultural Research) International to develop a basis for drawing conclusions.In this study, we segment the analysis into five sectors: hydropower, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, economy, and land use. We then correlate dam implementation and hydroelectric capacity with impacts to the Mekong River Basin. Through our research, we expect to find quantifiable correlations between the increased development of hydropower and the resulting impacts on the Mekong’s inhabitants and the region’s overall well-being.
land use,water systems,unintended impacts,data analysis,rapid hydropower development,dams,Consultative Group for Agricultural Research,economy,Mekong River Basin,Mekong's inhabitants,long-term social and economic sustainability,Food and Agriculture Organization,World Bank
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