Prediction of solidification cracking during arc welding of 310S stainless steel in U-type hot cracking test

Quarterly Journal of The Japan Welding Society(2020)

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Solidification cracking can be explained by the intersection between the high temperature ductility curve and thermal strain curves; thus, to predict the location and length of solidification cracking during arc welding, these two curves were calculated. The critical strain rate (εCSR) of the high temperature ductility curve was measured by an in-situ observation technique. The solidification initiation and completion temperature were calculated by the Kurz-Giovanola-Trivedi (KGT) and solidification segregation models respectively. The thermal strain curve was calculated using a finite element simulation model. The solidification cracking occurrence in the actual U-type hot cracking test during the arc welding corresponded with the prediction results estimated from the metallurgical and thermal elastic-plastic analysis models.
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Hot Deformation
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