The Role of Nursing in Identifying the Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer in Primary Care: Integrative Literature Review

International journal of advanced engineering research and sciences(2020)

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Objective: to identify scientific evidence in databases on the identification of the early diagnosis of cervical cancer carried out by nurses, between the years 2012 and 2018.Method: Consists of a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach developed through the Integrative Review of Literature (RIL).Method: for data analysis, the IraMuTeQ software was used, which prepared the Dendrogram with the most used words and divided into classes described below: 1) The role of nurses in the promotion and prevention of cervical cancer;2) The actions developed in the Primary Care services for early identification of cervical cancer; 3) Factors that make it difficult for women to perform the PCCU exam.Results / discussion: after analysis, it was concluded that most women are unaware of the problems related to cervical cancer and Pap smear.Conclusion: This fact may be related to the lack of information, fear and shame when performing the exam.
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