Virtual Farmer: Real Time Crop Prediction and Automatic Irrigation System

2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)(2020)

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There are a plethora of problems associated with agriculture and farming which require considerable improvements but remain untouched by technology. Farming is considered as one of the strong pillars of any economy. Considering this, very few technologies exist to aid the farmers in selecting the right crops depending on the environmental factors. Moreover most irrigation systems all around the world require at least some form of human intervention. Considering this, the proposed smart farming solution aims to aid the farmers by means of technology so as to increase their yield by suggesting to them the crops that will be most profitable for them as well as automating the irrigation system for them. This in turn will be a major help to the agriculture community as a whole and also set free the farmers from certain rudimentary tasks.
Wi-Fi Enabled Microcontroller,Web Server,Mobile App,Machine Learning,Random Forest Algorithm,Soil Temperature Sensor,Water Level Sensor,Soil Moisture Sensor,Submersible Water Pump,Temperature and Humidity Sensor
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