Use of the Internet to Facilitate an Annual Scientific Meeting: A Report of the First Virtual Chest Wall Injury Society Summit

Journal of Surgical Education(2021)

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INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in cancellation of medical peer meetings. The Chest Wall Injury Society Annual Summit was scheduled for April 2020. Due to safety concerns, the Society altered the meeting to an online format. The purpose of this paper is to describe how this was accomplished and also to highlight its outcomes. METHODS: An online survey of participants was carried out to assess their views on the educational yield and technical difficulties encountered as compared to in-person meetings. RESULTS: Sixty two of 275 (23%) registered participants filled out the survey. Eighty four percent felt that the educational quality was excellent/good. Seventy five percent and 95% felt in-person meetings are better for education and for networking, respectively. Eighty seven percent preferred in-person meetings in the future but would attend a virtual meeting again. Thirteen percent had technical difficulties accessing the meeting. CONCLUSION: Online meetings are feasible but in-person meetings have more educational and networking value. (C) 2020 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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