Time-resolved transcriptome of barley anthers and meiocytes reveals robust and largely stable gene expression changes at meiosis entry
In flowering plants, successful germinal cell development and meiotic recombination depend upon a combination of environmental and genetic factors. To gain insights into this specialised reproductive development programme we used short- and long-read RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) to study the temporal dynamics of transcript abundance in immuno-cytologically staged barley () anthers and meiocytes. We show that the most significant transcriptional changes occur at the transition from pre-meiosis to leptotene–zygotene, which is followed by largely stable transcript abundance throughout prophase I. Our analysis reveals that the developing anthers and meiocytes are enriched in long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and that entry to meiosis is characterized by their robust and significant down regulation. Intriguingly, only 24% of a collection of putative meiotic gene orthologues showed differential transcript abundance in at least one stage or tissue comparison. Changes in the abundance of numerous transcription factors, representatives of the small RNA processing machinery, and post-translational modification pathways highlight the complexity of the regulatory networks involved. These developmental, time-resolved, and dynamic transcriptomes increase our understanding of anther and meiocyte development and will help guide future research.
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Key words
barley anthers,meiocytes,transcriptome,stable gene expression changes,time-resolved
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