
Nuclear Expression and DNA Binding Capacity of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products in Renal Tissue


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The AGER gene encodes for a number of RAGE isoforms, with the membrane bound signal transduction and “decoy” circulating soluble RAGE being the best characterised. Here we demonstrate a novel nuclear isoform of RAGE in mice and human kidney cortex which by cell and size fractionation we determined to be approximately 37kda. This nuclear RAGE isoform is functional and binds to DNA sequences within the upstream 5’ promoter region of its own gene, AGER . This binding was shown to be abrogated by mutating the DNA consensus binding sequences during electromobility shift assay (EMSA) and was independent of NF-□B or AP-1 binding. Cotransfection of expression constructs encoding various RAGE isoforms along with AGER gene promoter reporter-plasmids identified that the most likely source of the nuclear isoform of RAGE was a cleavage product of the nt-RAGE isoform. In obese mice with impaired kidney function, there was increased binding of nuclear RAGE within the A. Region of ager gene promoter with corresponding increases in membrane bound RAGE in renal cells. These findings were reproduced in vitro using proximal tubule cells. Hence, we postulate that RAGE expression is in part, self-regulated by the binding of a nuclear RAGE isoform to the promoter of the AGER gene (encoding RAGE) in the kidney. We also suggest that this RAGE self-regulation is altered under pathological conditions and this may have implications for chronic kidney disease.
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