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A Super-Twisting Observer for Atomic-Force Reconstruction in a Probe Microscope

Control engineering practice(2020)

Cited 7|Views35
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This paper presents a new methodology, employing a super-twisting sliding mode observer, to reconstruct un-measureable atomic-forces at nano-Newton precision in a Vertically Oriented Probe Microscope (VOPM). The VOPM senses the deflection of a vertically oriented cantilever, caused by shear-force interaction with a confined water layer above the sample-substrate. The paper describes the development of a model and the subsequent experimental process for computing its parameters. This forms the basis for the design of a super-twisting observer to estimate the unknown shear-forces. The reconstructed force can be decomposed into elastic and viscous components, which are important in biological research.
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Probe microscope,Shear force,Elastic and dissipative force,Sliding mode control,Super-twisting observer
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