
Supportive Effect of Body Contact Care with Ylang Ylang Aromatherapy and Mobile Intervention Team for Suicide Prevention: A Pilot Study

Stephane Amadeo,Ngoc Lam Nguyen, Taivini Teai,Patrick Favro, Aurelia Mulet, Nathalie Colin-Fagotin,Moerani Rereao,Aurelia Malogne, Michel De Simone, Geraldine Rioche, Virginie Gassion, Paul Pere, Alban Prokop, Fabienne Bernis, Pierre Dufour, Annie Tuheiava, Germaine Vanquin, Steve Vilhem,Erick Gokalsing,Michel Spodenkiewicz, Marianne Pradem,Monique Seguin,Guy Beauchamp, Pierre Thomas,Guillaume Vaiva,Louis Jehel

Journal of International Medical Research(2020)

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Objectives To assess understudied, alternative suicide prevention modalities in a mental health care setting. Methods This was a prospective study of patients (n = 140, 68 cases and 72 controls) who were admitted to hospital or who contacted an SOS suicide crisis line for suicidal ideation or attempts. Psychiatric diagnoses (Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview) and intensity of anxiety/depression/suicidality (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, and Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation) were assessed. All intervention group subjects received a crisis card with a crisis line number, interviews with psychologists or volunteers and a telephone call on days 10 to 21, then 6 months later. These subjects also had a choice between two further 4-month interventions: body contact care or mobile intervention team visits. Results The interventions significantly reduced the number of suicide attempts and suicide (3%) at 6 months compared with the control condition (12%). There were fewer losses to follow-up in the intervention group (7.35%) than in the control group (9.72%). Conclusions The results favour the implementation of integrated care and maintaining contact in suicide prevention.
Polynesia,suicide,prevention,mobile intervention,aromatherapy,anxiety,depression,ylang ylang
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