Levosulpiride Increases the Levels of Prolactin and Antiangiogenic Vasoinhibin in the Vitreous of Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.


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Purpose: High circulating levels of the hormone prolactin (PRL) protect against experimental diabetic retinopathy (DR) due to the retinal accumulation of vasoinhibin, a PRL fragment that inhibits blood vessel permeability and growth. A phase 2 clinical trial is investigating a new therapy for DR based on elevating serum PRL levels with levosulpiride, a prokinetic dopamine D2 receptor blocker. Here, we tested whether levosulpiride-induced hyperprolactinemia elevates PRL and vasoinhibin in the vitreous of volunteer patients with proliferative DR (PDR) undergoing elective pars plana vitrectomy. Methods: Patients were randomized to receive placebo (lactose pill, orally TID; n = 19) or levosulpiride (25 mg orally TID; n = 18) for the 7 days before vitrectomy. Vitreous samples from untreated non-diabetic (n = 10) and PDR (n = 17) patients were also studied. Results: Levosulpiride elevated the systemic (101 +/- 13 [SEM] vs. 9.2 +/- 1.3 ng/mL, P < 0.0001) and vitreous (3.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.2 ng/mL, P < 0.0001) levels of PRL, and both levels were directly correlated (r = 0.58, P < 0.0002). The vitreous from nondiabetic patients or from PDR patients treated with levosulpiride, but not from placebo-treated PDR patients, inhibited the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)- and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced proliferation of endothelial cells in culture. Vasoinhibin-neutralizing antibodies reduced the vitreous antiangiogenic effect. Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) in the vitreous cleaved PRL to vasoinhibin, and their activity was higher in non-diabetic than in PDR patients. Conclusions: Levosulpiride increases the levels of PRL in the vitreous of PDR patients and promotes its MMP-mediated conversion to vasoinhibin, which can inhibit angiogenesis in DR.
proliferative diabetic retinopathy,antiangiogenic factor,dopamine D2 receptor blocker,16K prolactin,hyperprolactinemia
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