
Proteometabolomic Characterization Of Apical Bud Maturation In Pinus Pinaster


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Bud maturation is a physiological process that implies a set of morphophysiological changes that lead to the transition of growth patterns from young to mature. This transition defines tree growth and architecture, and in consequence traits such as biomass production and wood quality. In Pinus pinaster Aiton, a conifer of great timber value, bud maturation is closely related to polycyclism (multiple growth periods per year). This process causes a lack of apical dominance, and consequently increased branching that reduces its timber quality and value. However, despite its importance, little is known about bud maturation. In this work, proteomics and metabolomics were employed to study apical and basal sections of young and mature buds in P. pinaster. Proteins and metabolites in samples were described and quantified using (n)UPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap. The datasets were analyzed employing an integrative statistical approach, which allowed the determination of the interactions between proteins and metabolites and the different bud sections and ages. Specific dynamics of proteins and metabolites such as histones H3 and H4, ribosomal proteins L15 and L12, chaperonin TCP1, 14-3-3 protein gamma, gibberellins A1, A3 and A8, strigolactones and abscisic acid, involved in epigenetic regulation, proteome remodeling, hormonal signaling and abiotic stress pathways showed their potential role during bud maturation. Candidates and pathways were validated employing interaction databases and targeted transcriptomics. These results increase our understanding of the molecular processes behind bud maturation, a key step towards improving timber production and natural pine forests management in a future scenario of climate change. However, further studies are necessary using different P. pinaster populations that show contrasting wood quality and stress tolerance in order to generalize the results.
bud aging, conifer, integrative approach, metabolomics, proteomics
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