
Recover Wisely from COVID-19: Responsible Resumption of Nonurgent Radiology Services.

Academic radiology(2020)

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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES:Following state and institutional guidelines, our Radiology department launched the "Recover Wisely" for all nonurgent radiology care on May 4, 2020. Our objective is to report our practice implementation and experience of COVID-19 recovery during the resumption of routine imaging at a tertiary academic medical center.MATERIALS AND METHODS:We used the SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines for this practice implementation. Recover Wisely focused on a data driven, strategic rescheduling and redesigning patient flow process. We used scheduling simulations and meticulous monitoring and control of outpatient medical imaging volumes to achieve a linear restoration to our pre-COVID imaging studies. We had a tiered plan to address the backlog of rescheduled patients with gradual opening of our imaging facilities, while maintaining broad communication with our patients and referring clinicians.RESULTS:Recover Wisely followed our anticipated linear modeling. Considering the last 10 weeks in the recovery, outpatient growth was linear with an increase of approximately 172 cases per week, (R2 =0.97). We achieved an overall recovery of 102% in week 10, as compared to average weekly pre-COVID outpatient volumes. The modalities recovered as follows in outpatient volumes: CT (113%), MRI (101%), nuclear medicine including PET (138%), mammograms (97%), ultrasound (99%) and interventional radiology (106%). When compared to identical 2019 calendar weeks (May 4, 2020-July 10, 2020), the total 2020 radiology volume was 11% reduced from the 2019 volume. The reduction in total weighted relative value units was 8% in this time period, as compared to 2019.CONCLUSION:Our department utilized a data-driven, team approach based on our guiding principles to "Recover Wisely." We created and implemented a methodology that achieved a linear increase in outpatient studies over a 10-week recovery period.
COVID-19,Recovery,Radiology department
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