Comparison of recoil polarization in the $^{12}{\rm C}(\vec{e},{e}'\vec{p})$ process for protons extracted from $s$ and $p$ shell
T. Kolar,S. Paul,T. Brecelj,P. Achenbach,R. Böhm,D. Bosnar,E. O. Cohen,M. O. Distler,A. Esser,C. Giusti,M. Hoek,D. Izraeli,S. Kegel,Y. Kohl,I. Korover,J. Lichtenstadt,I. Mardor,H. Merkel,M. Mihovilovič,J. Müller,U. Müller,M. Olivenboim,E. Piasetzky,J. Pochodzalla,B. S. Schlimme,C. Sfienti,S. Širca,R. Spreckels,S. Štajner,M. Thiel,A. Weber,I. Yaron, for the A Collaboration arxiv(2020)
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