Studies of Alfvén Eigenmodes on JET with both experimental measurements with the AEAD and modelling with GTC
N. Fil,M. Porkolab,V. Aslanyan,P. Puglia,S. Dowson,M. Fitzgerald,S. E. Sharapov,H. K. Sheikh,J. Bao,Z. Lin,P. Blanchard,A. Fasoli,D. Testa,J. Mailloux,M. Tsalas,M. Maslov,A. Whitehead,R. Scannell,S. Gerasimov, S. Dorling,T. Blackman,G. Jones, A. Goodyear,K. K. Kirov,R. Dumont,M. Podesta,JET Contributors semanticscholar(2019)
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