Development of a New Generation Pilot Plant for Production of Low Cost Titanium and Titanium Powders Utilising FFC Cambridge Process Principles


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The titanium market has a long history of seeking a low cost titanium production route in combination with low cost direct consolidation or PM component production routes. Metalysis has developed a new generation, electrochemical cell for producing titanium and its alloys utilising the FFC Cambridge process principles. The new plant is at a scale that will provide titanium for comprehensive development programs into the production of low cost titanium parts. The pilot plant is also at a scale that is commercially viable for the production of tantalum. The current status of the development program will be discussed along with R&D developments in the use of the FFC Cambridge process for the production of CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V. This will include an overview of the new pilot plant design, future process equipment and recent results in terms of chemistry, structure and properties of powders. Finally Metalysis’ scale up plans for titanium and its alloys will be presented.
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