Title The hydrogen epoch of reionization array dish III : measuring chromaticity of prototype element with reflectometry Permalink
Nipanjana Patra,A. Parsons,D. DeBoer,N. Thyagarajan,A. Ewall-Wice, G. Hsyu, T. K. D. Leung,C. Day,J. Aguirre,P. Alexander,Z. Ali, Adam,P. Beardsley,J. Bowman,R. Bradley,C. Carilli,Carina Cheng, Eloy,de Lera Acedo,J. Dillon, G. Fadana,N. Fagnoni,Randall Fritz,R. Steve, Furlanetto,B. Glendenning,B. Greig,J. Grobbelaar,B. Hazelton,C. Daniel, Jacobs,A. Julius,M. Kariseb,S. Kohn, A. Lebedeva,Telalo Lekalake, Adrian, Liu,A. Loots,D. MacMahon,Lourence Malan,Cresshim Malgas,M. Maree, Zachary, Martinot,Nathan Mathison,Eunice Matsetela,A. Mesinger,M. Morales, R. Abraham, Neben,Samantha Pieterse,J. Pober,N. Razavi-Ghods,J. Ringuette,J. Robnett,K. Rosie,R. Sell,Craig H. Smith,A. Syce,Max Tegmark,P. Williams,Haoxuan Zheng semanticscholar(2017)
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