
Optical Beam Loss Monitors Based on Fibres for the CLARA Phase 1 Beam-Line

Alexandra Alexandrova,Alexander Brynes, Lee Devlin,Ewald Effinger, Eva Barbara Holzer,F. Jackson,Vasilis Tzoganis, Carsten Welsch

9th Int Particle Accelerator Conf (IPAC'18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018(2018)

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Fibre based Optical Beam Loss Monitors (oBLMs) are on-line devices used in-situ to measure losses along a beamline. The technology is based on the detection of Cherenkov radiation, produced inside quartz fibres placed alongside the beampipe, from the interaction of secondary showers generated from losses hitting the vacuum pipe. This contribution presents ongoing developments of an oBLM system installed along the Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications (CLARA). The oBLM system consists of 4 channels which allows for sub-metre loss resolution with two dimensional coverage along the entirety of the beam line, as opposed to conventional localised BLM systems. The system was first commissioned to measure dark current from the injector. The ability of the system to locate longitudinal positions of known beam loss locations has also been measured and has shown excellent agreement. We present measurements acquired from the detector during regular operation and during dedicated beam tests. We also discuss the incorporation of the monitor into the accelerator diagnostics system and its use in assisting accelerator characterisation and performance.
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