evelopment of a Non-Heart-Beating Lung Donor Program With « Bithermia reservation » , and Results After One Year of Clinical Experience

Vicente Díaz-Hellín, Carmen Marrón, Jose Carlos Meneses,Alicia de Pablo, ose Luis Martín de Nicolása


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The number of lung transplantations that are performed in Spain continues to grow, with 235 transplant recipients in 2010. Non-heart-beating (NHB) donations have contributed to this upward progression. Our Lung Transplant Unit began its activity in October 2008 and during these last three years 97% of the transplant interventions performed have been successful. In order to increase the number of donations, we have developed a NHB donor program as part of the existing organs program in our hospital. In doing so, the development of a multi-organic preservation method (lung, liver and kidney), which we call «Bithermia Preservation», was necessary. This paper presents this methodology as well as the first year of clinical application experience. During this time, 3 patients have been transplanted using such NHB donations. None of them developed primary graft dysfunction (PGD); all the patients have been discharged and lead active lives without any evidence of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. © 2011 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved. Desarrollo de un programa de donación pulmonar en asistolia con «preservación en bitermia» y resultados tras un año de experiencia clínica
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