Muons P Detector Control System for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and Operational Experience after the first year of LHC data taking
P Detector Control System for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and Operational Experience after the first year of LHC data taking S.Zimmermann1, G.Aielli2, M.Bindi3, S.Bressler4, R.G.K.Hart5, G.Iakovidis6, E.Ikarios6, E.Kajomovitz4, K.Karakostas6, S.Leontsinis6, E.Mountricha6, A.Polini7, S.Tarem4 1Albert Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany; 2Universitá di Roma II Tor Vergata, Italy; 3University and INFN Bologna, Italy; 4Technion Haifa, Israel;5NIKHEF, Amsterdam, NL; 6National Technical University Athens, Greece; 7INFN Bologna, Italy I3taliy;niversità di Roma II Tor Vergata, Roma
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