ReviewRecent Trends in Functional FoodScienceand the Industry in JapanJSen

S. Arai, Y. Morinaga, T. Yoshikawa,E. Ichiishi, Y. Kiso,Masatoshi Yamazaki,M. Morotomi, M. Shimizu, T. Kuwata,S. Kaminogawa


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iliZTculty ofAlrpliedBiologicalSciencas, 7bkyo Uhiver:sity ofAgriculture, Setagaya-ku, 7bkyo 156-85(]2, lapan 2Centra1 Reseanch Laboratorieeg Ajinomoto Co,, lhc,, Kawasaki-ku, Kdwasaki-shi, Kbenagawa 210-8681, Jbpan 3FVrstDepartment ofMedieine. Kyoto Ptefectural Uhiversity ofMedicine, Kamigyo-ku, K),oto-city, Kyoto 6(]2-8566; .lapan 4institute for Hlealth Ckere Science, Suntorly Ltd., Shimamoto-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka 618-8503, Jdpan Sfuculty ofPharmaeeutical Scieneq 7leidyo Uhiversity. Sagamiko, Kbnagawa 199-O195. .lapan 6YIikutt Ctintnal institute for Microbioiogical Research, Kunitachi-shi, 7bkyo 186-8650, .ltxpan 'Graduate School ofAgricultural andLijle Sciences, 71he University of 7k)kivo, Bunk),o-ku, 7bkyo ll3-865Z .lapan 8Meiji Dairies Corporation, KOto-ku, 7bkyo l36-8908, Jbpan
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