Distributing the iRODS Catalog : A Way Forward


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The European project EUDAT built a data e-infrastructure, called Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI), connecting 16 data and computing centres to support over 50 research communities spanning across many different scientific disciplines. One of the main challenges to implement such infrastructure was to enable the users to manage their data in the same way across the different data centres despite each centre has its own peculiarities at hardware, software and policy level. Therefore, EUDAT adopted iRODS to deal with this heterogeneity relying on its features:  To define a common abstraction layer on top of the difference storage systems.  To provide a shared set of software interfaces and clients to perform data management operations.  To enforce a common set of policies.  To federate different administrative regions. On the other hand, each community has its own characteristics and often it requires specific customizations to cope with its data life cycle. Hence, beyond this common horizontal layer, through iRODS, EUDAT can offer the flexibility of a vertical integration with the community’s tools and policies. In order to implement those policies and functions, in the context of this project, we extended iRODS with a set of rules and scripts, which form, together with the underlying software stack, the B2SAFE service. It allows the replication of data collections across different iRODS zones, takes care to assign a unique identifier to each data object and collection, to log every failed transfers and to store a minimal set of metadata together with the data themselves. The unique identifiers are stored in a de-centralized registry, called B2HANDLE, which makes them globally resolvable and persistent. In this article, we introduce the B2SAFE architecture and highlight the integration between iRODS and the B2HANDLE system and the corresponding workflows.
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