Inclusive production of q-mesons in zp , Kp and yp collisions at energies around 100 GeV Omega Photon Collaboration
R. J. Apsimon,M. Atkinson, M. Baake,L. S. Bagdasarian,D. Barberis,T. J. Brodbeck, N. Brook,T. Charity,A. B. Clegg,P. Coyle,S. Danaher,S. Danagulian,M. Davenport, B. Dickinson,B. Diekmann, A. Donnachie,A. T. Doyle, J. Eades,R. J. Ellison,P. S. Flower,J. M. Foster, W. Galbraith,P. I. Galumian,C. Gapp,F. Gebert, G. Hallewell,K. Heinloth, R. C. W. Henderson,M. T. Hickman,C. Hoeger,A. Holzkamp,S. Holzkamp,R. E. Hughes-Jones,M. Ibbotson,H. P. Jakob, D. Joseph,N. R. Keemer,J. Kingler,G. Koersgen,S. D. Kolya,G. D. Lafferty, H. McCann,R. McClatchey, C. McManus,D. Mercer,J. A. G. Morris,J. V. Morris,D. Newton, A. O'Connor,R. Oedingen,A. G. Oganesian,P. J. Ottewell,C. N. Paterson,E. Paul,D. Reid,H. Rotscheidt,P. H. Sharp, S. Soeldner-Rembold,N. A. Thacker, L. Thompson,R. J. Thompson, J. Waterhouse,A. S. Weigend,G. W. Wilson semanticscholar
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