Measurement of the top quark mass using template methods on dilepton events in p ( p ) over-bar collisions at root s = 1 . 96 TeV
S. Sabik,A. Safonov,W. Sakumoto,G. Salamanna, O. Saltó,D. Saltzberg,C. Sánchez,L. Santi,S. Sarkar,L. Sartori,K. Sato,P. Savard,A. Savoy-Navarro, T. Scheidle,P. Schlabach,E. Schmidt,M. Schmidt,M. Schmitt,T. Schwarz,L. Scodellaro,A. Scott,A. Scribano,F. Scuri,A. Sedov,S. Seidel,Y. Seiya,A. Semenov,L. Sexton-Kennedy,I. Sfiligoi,M. Shapiro, T. Shears,P. Shepard,D. Sherman,M. Shimojima,M. Shochet,Y. Shon,I. Shreyber,A. Sidoti,P. Sinervo,A. Sisakyan,J. Sjolin,A. Skiba,A. Slaughter,K. Sliwa,J. Smith,F. Snider,R. Snihur,M. Soderberg,A. Soha,S. Somalwar,V. Sorin,J. Spalding,M. Spezziga,F. Spinella,T. Spreitzer,P. Squillacioti,M. Stanitzki, A. Staveris-Polykalas,R. Denis,B. Stelzer,O. Stelzer-Chilton,D. Stentz,J. Strologas,D. Stuart,J. Suh,A. Sukhanov, K. Sumorok,H. Sun,K. Sung,I. Suslov,T. Suzuki,A. Taffard,R. Takashima, Y. Takeuchi,K. Takikawa,M. Tanaka,R. Tanaka,N. Tanimoto,M. Tecchio,P. Teng,K. Terashi,J. Thom,A. Thompson,E. Thomson,P. Tipton,V. Tiwari, S. Tkaczyk,D. Toback,S. Tokár,K. Tollefson,T. Tomura,M. Tonnesmann,S. Torre,D. Torretta,S. Tourneur,W. Trischuk,R. Tsuchiya,S. Tsuno,N. Turini,F. Ukegawa,T. Unverhau,S. Uozumi, D. Usynin,A. Vaiciulis,S. Vallecorsa,A. Varganov,E. Vataga,G. Velev,G. Veramendi,V. Veszpremi,R. Vidal,I. Vila,R. Vilar,T. Vine,I. Volobouev,G. Volpi,F. Wurthwein,P. Wagner,R. Wagner,R. Wagner,W. Wagner,R. Wallny,T. Walter,Z. Wan,S. Wang,A. Warburton,S. Waschke,D. Waters, D. Whiteson,A. Wicklund, G. Williams,P. Wilson, C. Wolfe,T. Wright,S. Zucchelli
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