Measurement of B + , B 0 and Λ 0 b production in p Pb collisions at ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi s NN p = 8 . 16 TeV

T. Evans,A. Falabella,C. Färber,N. Farley,S. Farry,D. Fazzini,M. Féo,P. Fernandez Declara,A. Fernandez Prieto,F. Ferrari,L. Ferreira Lopes,F. Ferreira Rodrigues,M. Ferro-Luzzi,S. Filippov,R. A. Fini,M. Fiorini,M. Firlej,C. Fitzpatrick,T. Fiutowski,F. Fleuret,F. Fontanelli,R. Forty,V. Franco Lima,M. Frank,C. Frei,J. Fu,W. Funk,E. Gabriel,A. Gallas Torreira,D. Galli,S. Gallorini,S. Gambetta,Y. Gan,M. Gandelman,P. Gandini,Y. Gao,L. M. Garcia Martin,J. García Pardiñas,B. Garcia Plana,J. Garra Tico,L. Garrido,D. Gascon,C. Gaspar,G. Gazzoni,D. Gerick,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,T. Gershon,D. Gerstel,Ph. Ghez,V. Gibson,O. G. Girard,P. Gironella Gironell,L. Giubega,K. Gizdov,V. V. Gligorov,C. Göbel,D. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,A. Gomes,C. Gotti,J. P. Grabowski,R. Graciani Diaz,L. A. Granado Cardoso,E. Graugés,E. Graverini,G. Graziani,A. Grecu,R. Greim,P. Griffith,L. Grillo,L. Gruber,B. R. Gruberg Cazon,O. Grünberg,C. Gu,E. Gushchin,A. Guth,Yu. Guz,T. Gys,T. Hadavizadeh,C. Hadjivasiliou,G. Haefeli, C. Haen,B. Hamilton,X. Han,N. Harnew,T. Harrison,M. Hecker,K. Heinicke,A. Heister,K. Hennessy,L. Henry,M. Heß,J. Heuel,A. Hicheur,R. Hidalgo Charman,W. Huang,W. Hulsbergen,T. Humair,M. Hushchyn,D. Hutchcroft,D. Hynds, P. Ibis,M. Idzik,P. Ilten, A. Inglessi,A. Inyakin, K. Ivshin,R. Jacobsson, S. Jakobsen,J. Jalocha,E. Jans,B. K. Jashal,A. Jawahery,F. Jiang,M. John,D. Johnson,C. Joram,S. Kandybei,M. Karacson,S. Karodia,N. Kazeev,M. Kecke,F. Keizer,M. Kenzie,T. Ketel,E. Khairullin,B. Khanji,C. Khurewathanakul,T. Kirn, S. Klaver,T. Klimkovich,S. Koliiev,P. Koppenburg, I. Kostiuk,S. Kotriakhova,M. Kozeiha,L. Kravchuk,M. Kreps,F. Kress,P. Krokovny,W. Krzemien,W. Kucewicz,M. Kucharczyk,V. Kudryavtsev,T. Kvaratskheliya,D. Lacarrere,G. Lafferty,R. Lefèvre,A. Leflat,F. Lemaitre,O. Leroy,T. Lesiak, B. Leverington,F. Lionetto,V. Lisovskyi,G. Liu,X. Liu,I. Longstaff,J. H. Lopes,G. Loustau,G. H. Lovell,D. Lucchesi,M. Lucio Martinez,Y. Luo,A. Lupato,E. Luppi,O. Lupton,A. Lusiani,X. Lyu,F. Machefert,F. Maciuc,V. Macko,P. Mackowiak,S. Maddrell-Mander,O. Maev,K. Maguire,D. Maisuzenko,M. W. Majewski,S. Malde,B. Malecki,A. Malinin,T. Maltsev,H. Malygina,G. Manca,G. Mancinelli, D. Marangotto,J. Maratas,U. Marconi,C. Marin Benito,M. Marinangeli,P. Marino,G. Martellotti,M. Martinelli,D. Martinez Santos,F. Martinez Vidal,A. Massafferri,M. Materok,R. Matev,A. Mathad,Z. Mathe,C. Matteuzzi,A. Mauri,E. Maurice,B. Maurin, M. McCann,A. McNab, B. Meadows,C. Meaux, N. Meinert,D. Melnychuk,A. Merli,E. Michielin, E. Millard,L. Minzoni,D. S. Mitzel, A. Mödden,A. Mogini,T. Mombächer,I. A. Monroy,S. Monteil,M. Morandin,G. Morello,F. Muheim,M. Mukherjee,M. Mulder,J. Müller,K. Müller,V. Müller, D. Murray,P. Naik,T. Nakada,T. Nanut,I. Nasteva,N. Neri,S. Neubert,N. Neufeld,R. Newcombe,R. Niet,N. Nikitin,A. Nogay,A. Oblakowska-Mucha,S. Ogilvy,R. Oldeman,A. Ossowska,J. M. Otalora Goicochea,T. Ovsiannikova,P. Owen,A. Oyanguren,T. Pajero,M. Palutan, G. Panshin,A. Papanestis,M. Pappagallo,L. L. Pappalardo,W. Parker,C. Parkes,G. Passaleva,A. Pastore,M. Patel, C. Patrignani,A. Pellegrino,G. Penso,M. Pepe Altarelli,S. Perazzini,P. Perret,L. Pescatore,K. Petridis,A. Petrolini,S. Petrucci,M. Petruzzo,A. Piucci,A. Poluektov, N. Polukhina,I. Polyakov,E. Polycarpo,S. Ponce,A. Popov,D. Popov,S. Poslavskii,J. Prisciandaro,C. Prouve,V. Pugatch,A. Puig Navarro,H. Pullen,G. Punzi,R. Quagliani, B. Quintana,B. Rachwal


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sNN p 1⁄4 8.16 TeV recorded with the LHCb detector at the LHC. The measurement uses a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.2 0.3 nb−1 for the case where the proton beam is projected into the LHCb detector (corresponding to measuring hadron production at positive rapidity) and 18.6 0.5 nb−1 for the lead beam projected into the LHCb detector (corresponding to measuring hadron production at negative rapidity). Double-differential cross sections are measured and used to determine forward-backward ratios and nuclear modification factors, which directly probe nuclear effects in the production of beauty hadrons. The double-differential cross sections are measured as a function of the beauty-hadron transverse momentum and rapidity in the nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass frame. Forward-to-backward cross section ratios and nuclear modification factors indicate a significant nuclear suppression at positive rapidity. The ratio of Λb over B production cross sections is reported and is consistent with the corresponding measurement in pp collisions.
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