Tracks of hadronic showers in the CALICE SiW ECAL physics prototype The CALICE Collaboration

G. Eigen, T. Price, N. Watson, A. Winter, Y. Do,A. Khan,D. Kim, G., C. Blazey,A. Dyshkant,K. Francis,V. Zutshi,K. Kawagoe, Y. Miura, R. Mori, I. Sekiya, T. Suehara,T. Yoshioka,J. Apostolakis, J. Giraud,D. Grondin,J. Hostachy, O. Bach, V. Bocharnikov, E. Brianne,K. Gadow, P. Göttlicher,O. Hartbrich, D. Heuchel,F. Krivan,K. Krüger,J. Kvasnicka,S. Lu, O. Pinto, A. Provenza,M. Reinecke,F. Sefkow,S. Schuwalow, Y. Sudo,H. Tran, G. Wilson,D. Belver,E. Alamillo, M. Fouz,H. G. Cabrera, J. Marin, J. Navarrete,J. P. Pelayo,A. Verdugo,L. Masetti,M. Chadeeva,M. Danilov,M. Gabriel, L. Emberger, Christian Graf, Y. Israeli,F. Simon,M. Szalay,H. Windel,M. Amjad,S. Bilokin,J. Bonis,D. Breton,P. Cornebise, P. Doublet,A. Gallas, J. Jeglot, A. Irles,H. Li,J. Maalmi,R. Pöschl, A. Thiebault,F. Richard,D. Zerwas,M. Anduze,V. Balagura, E. Becheva,V. Boudry,J. Brient,R. Cornat, E. Edy, G. Fayolle, F. Gastaldi, H. Videau,S. Callier, F. Dulucq,C. Taille,G. Martin-Chassard,L. Raux, N. Seguin-Moreau,J. Cvach,M. Janata, M. Kovalcuk,I. Polák,J. Smolík,V. Vrba,J. Zálešák, J. Zuklin,D. Jeans,N. Kolk,T. Peitzmann


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A detailed investigation of hadronic interactions is performed using π− data with energies in the range 2–10 GeV, recorded at FNAL in 2008, incident on a high granularity silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter. The region in which primary π− interact with the detector material and the secondary particles produced are characterised using a novel track-finding algorithm that reconstructs tracks within hadronic showers in a calorimeter in the absence of a magnetic field. The principle of carrying out detector monitoring and calibration using MIP-like tracks is also demonstrated.
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